✓ Evidence Based

7 Proven Health Benefits of Cardamom

Spices are a part of most meals, teas, and even the occasional supplement, but have you heard about the health benefits of cardamom?

This impressive Indian and Indonesian spice may not be as well known by most, but the health benefits are vast and potent.

It is one of the oldest spices in the world, dating back to its most popular use in ancient Rome (1). Because of its ancient power, it is also the world’s second most expensive spice, behind saffron (2).

Cardamom originated in southern Indian, where it grows in the wild (3). The ancient Egyptians often chewed on cardamom seeds, while the Greeks used it as a perfume. It even has a history of aphrodisiac properties because of the pleasant smell (4).

Fun Fact:Cardamom belongs to the same botanical family as ginger and turmeric.

Health Benefits of Cardamom

Is it time to start adding some cardamom to your daily routine?

Check out the information below to see the health benefits of cardamom, along with the potential risks. Plus, find out how to start adding more cardamom to your diet and routine.

1. It May Improve Digestive Health

Digestion issues are some of the most pressing health problems in the world (5). From nausea, stomach pain, spasms, and more, many people suffer from some digestive distress.

Luckily, cardamom can be a potent source of digestive comfort by helping to improve indigestion, vomiting, gas, constipation, bloating, and other digestive issues (6).

This spice can help digestive distress because it contains chemicals and tons of fiber that help to move food through the digestive tract easier.

In ancient times, cardamom was the go-to spice for digestive distress, especially stomach aches (7). Without good digestive health, nutrition takes a back seat. To fully benefit from the vitamins and minerals in your food, you need to be able to properly digest and pass the food through to the cell walls. For that to happen, adequate digestion is necessary (8).

See if adding some cardamom to your diet helps improve your digestion.

Summary:Cardamom may improve several digestive issues, likely because of the fiber it contains.

2. It Can Squash Bad Breath

Cardamom is full of beneficial antibacterial properties, which is why ancient Egyptians used to chew on cardamom seeds (9). They did this to clean their teeth.

This spice can help to stop bad breath and even eliminate some bacteria in the mouth (10). Digestion begins in the mouth, too.

Do you suffer from bad breath? There is likely a downstream issue as to why you have bad breath, but while you figure out what that is, try to add some cardamom to your diet and see if it helps.

Summary:Cardamom may help bad breath because of its anti-bacterial properties and was used by ancient Egyptians to clean their teeth.

3. It May Help with Weight Loss

Weight gain and obesity-related illnesses are some of the most common dilemmas in the world, especially in the United States (11).

While weight loss is dependent on many factors, such as the right diet and lifestyle, cardamom may give an extra boost to your metabolism. This effect was found in an animal study (12). It may even help prevent obesity by improving glucose levels and inflammation throughout the body (13).

Try to add some cardamom to your diet to assist with your weight loss goals, along with a lifestyle of healthy habits.

Summary:Animal studies showed a boost in metabolism after cardamom was added to it and has been suggested to help humans with weight loss.

4. It Can Improve Hair Health

Who does not want a healthier head of hair? Adding cardamom can help with just that.

In one study in the National Institutes of Health (NIH), cardamom was effective at promoting hair growth, thickness, and preventing hair loss (14).

Do not be afraid to add a little cardamom to your next meal or drink to boost the health of your hair.

Summary:One study found cardamom promotes hair growth, thickness, and hair loss prevention.

5. It May Help to Heal Acne and other Skin Conditions

Cardamom is naturally high in phytochemicals that contain antioxidants, giving them potent anti-inflammatory compounds (15). These compounds can help to give your skin a healthy glow, and they can even help to eradicate acne and prevent future blemishes.

Acne and blemishes occur when there is a buildup of bacteria, oil, or dead skin in the pores of the skin. It is a common, yet severe issue for many.

See if adding cardamom to your routine helps add some extra glow to your skin.

Summary:The compounds in cardamom has been found to promote healthy skin and potentially help decrease blemishes.

6. It Can Reduce Blood Pressure

Do you suffer from high blood pressure? High blood pressure affects millions around the globe and is a rising health concern (16).

Many dietary and lifestyle changes help to decrease blood pressure, and cardamom can be a helpful addition to those healthy habits.

Cardamom helps to decrease blood pressure because it is exceedingly high in antioxidants, which help to reduce oxidative stress in the body (17). One study in the National Institutes of Health (NIH) even shows that a small amount of cardamom significantly reduced blood pressure (18).

Summary:The antioxidants in cardamom have been suggested to play a role in lowering blood pressure.

7. It May Protect Liver Health

The liver is an organ that naturally detoxifies the toxins that come through the body, but humans are exposed to many new and frequent environmental and food toxins daily.

Cardamom can help to protect the liver because it is high in antibacterial properties, and it is full of antioxidants.

One study shows it can lower inflammatory markers, liver enzymes, and even help to prevent liver disease (19).

This ancient spice dates back for centuries, and it can still be a helpful solution and addition to a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Summary:Studies showed a decrease in inflammation, liver enzymes, and potential to prevent liver disease because of the antibacterial properties and antioxidants in cardamom.

Where Can You Add Cardamom?

Cardamom is an extremely versatile spice and seed. You can add it to many areas of your life. Look at the list below to see where to add in more cardamom today.

Add more cardamom to your diet and life by trying:

  • Add some spice to coffee, tea, or even milk
  • Enjoy it with water and a sweetener of your choice like honey
  • Many dishes like chicken, shrimp, noodle recipes and more
  • Chew on cardamom pods (beneficial for oral health, too)

You can easily reap the many health benefits of cardamom by adding it to your spice rack for every day or weekly use.

Fun Fact:Guatemala is the largest producer of cardamom in the world.

Are There Any Risks for taking Cardamom?

Cardamom is a safe space to consume regularly. There are no known side effects associated with taking cardamom orally via supplement or through the spice.

Although, cardamom may potentially be unsafe for pregnant women and those with gall stones (20). Be sure to speak with your doctor before adding a supplement if you are pregnant or have or suspect you have existing gall stones.

Cardamom comes as a flavor additive to many dishes, but you can also take it as a supplement. There is no recommended dosage for the supplement, although a typical dosage is around 400 mg per pill.

You can buy cardamom in many different forms besides pills and the spice as well. It is also available in pods and as an essential oil. This spice has many health benefits, so see if adding it to your diet can help today.

Always be cautious about the types of medications you take before adding an herbal supplement. If you are taking any medication, ask your doctor if cardamom is ok to add to your daily routine as a supplement. Adding in the spice or essential oil is generally safe for most people.

Summary:Cardamom is generally safe, however may be unsafe for pregnant women and those with history of gallstones.


There are many health benefits to adding cardamom to your diet and routine more often. From improving digestive health to getting rid of bad breath and much more, cardamom is a potent spice.

Cardamom has many antibacterial properties that make it a game-changer for many people and their health issues.

The best part about cardamom is that it is generally safe for most people, so there is likely little harm it can do to your health.

Always do what is right for your body and monitor how certain foods and spices react with your body. Learning to listen to what your body needs is a great skill to master for optimal health.