✓ Evidence Based

11 Health Benefits of Drinking Celery Juice

Celery might be the most unpopular vegetable in the supermarket. You’d probably think it’s just a crunchy and watery stick that’s got some fiber in it.

And the celery juice is just as bland, with a grassy and a bit zesty flavor. However, appearances can be deceiving.

Celery is a low-calorie vegetable packed with loads of vitamins and micronutrients, while celery juice is one of the healthiest drinks you can have.

Celery Juice Benefits

Let’s talk about the several benefits of drinking celery juice as part of a balanced diet.

1. Proper Hydration

Celery juice provides a great way of staying hydrated all day long. Celery itself is a healthy vegetable that’s 90% water (1). So, with celery juice, you can hit two targets with one shot – staying hydrated and getting a fair share of vitamins and micronutrients.

Most people don’t get proper hydration. So, if you’re one of them, you should know that keeping your body hydrating will help with your blood pressure, body temperature, brain function, and kidney health (2).

But if you think that drinking water is too boring, try celery juice. Just stay hydrated, folks!

Summary:Because of its high water content, celery juice can help prevent dehydration while also providing nutrients to the body too.

2. Prevents Inflammation

Celery contains apigenin, which is a plant compound with historical anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial properties (3). It is part of Chinese traditional folk medicine.

A 2015 study on mice showed that apigenin could reduce the activity of inflammatory proteins and help strengthen the immune system (4).

Celery is a good source of flavonoids, which are anti-inflammatory compounds that can help your body steer clear of inflammations and protect your cardiovascular system (5).

If you’re not yet convinced to eat celery more often, its phytonutrients should convince you.

These chemical compounds ensure the plant’s survival by protecting it from germs, fungi, bugs, and insects. But for us humans, phytonutrients have incredible anti-inflammatory benefits, strengthening our immune system and allowing for better intracellular communication (6).

Summary:Celery provides several nutrients like apigenin and flavonoids, both of which help decrease inflammation and strengthen the immune system.

3. Important Source of Antioxidants

Antioxidants help safeguard our blood vessels, cells, and organs from the damaging effects of oxidative stress (7).

Celery contains good amounts of vitamin C, beta carotene, flavonoids, and other 12 types of antioxidant nutrients (8).

The phytonutrients in celery also have remarkable antioxidant properties. They are believed to repair the DNA damage resulting from toxins.

Celery juice might never become your favorite juice, but it’s incredibly healthy for you as part of a balanced diet. So, don’t push it away either.

Summary:Celery contains antioxidants, which can help decrease the risk of oxidative stress and repair DNA damage.

4. May Help With Weight loss

Celery is low in calories. One stack is about 10 calories, and what’s even more impressive is that you get 1.6 grams of fiber from one cup (9).

If you want to push the braking pedal on your food cravings, you should eat more fiber. So, one glass of celery juice can make you feel full for longer and maintain a calorie deficit in your pursuit of losing weight.

You could try burning some calories in the gym and then hydrate with a good glass of celery juice.

What is more, celery is low in sugar. One cup (8 ounces or 240mL) of celery juice has only 33 calories and 4 grams of natural sugar (10). Drinking celery juice can replace the hundreds of calories you would have normally had with your favorite soda or energy drink. We’re serious!

Summary:Since celery juice is low in calories and sugar, it can be a great replacement beverage for soda or energy drinks.

5. It is good for your gut bacteria

Celery contains two important plant compounds that are thought to reduce inflammation in the gut – luteolin and pyrroloquinoline quinone, also known as PQQ.

One study performed on mice for 12 weeks showed that probiotic fermented celery juice can create a much healthier gut bacteria environment (11).

However, you should note that fermented celery juice is different from fresh juice. Celery fermentation is quite a straightforward process, and it takes about a week if you want to try it.

Although more research is needed on gut bacteria, we already know that eating celery will provide your body with a considerable amount of fiber, which helps fight constipation and allows for good digestion (12).

Summary:Fermented celery juice has been found to support gut health by promoting healthy bacteria and decreasing gut inflammation.

6. Helps Balance Your Blood Pressure

In Chinese traditional medicine, celery extracts were used for reducing blood pressure levels.

Modern scientists took an interest in the possible effects of celery extracts on blood pressure in rats with artificially induced hypertension (13). The study showed positive results, reducing blood pressure in rats with hypertension. However, more research is needed on the topic.

But we should not forget that eating celery will help you get a good amount of fiber. Studies have confirmed that diets rich in fiber can positively affect blood pressure (14).

Summary:More recent research has found that celery juice may help decrease blood pressure, however more studies need to be done.

7. Good Digestion

Celery is good for the stomach. It contains pectin-based polysaccharides and an interesting compound known as apiuman, which have been shown to decrease the risk of developing ulcers (15). As animal studies have shown, these compounds in celery are impressive at lining the stomach and regulating stomach secretions.

More studies are indeed needed in this respect, but we can’t overlook the fact that celery is 90% water. This, combined with the increased amounts of soluble and insoluble fiber, help support a healthy digestive tract, preventing constipation.

So, eating celery will help with your digestion in the long term. Drinking celery juice may have similar effects.

Summary:Some of the compounds in celery have been found to help promote digestion and decrease the risk of developing ulcers.

8. Rich in vitamins and minerals

Celery and celery juice will provide your body with essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, K, C, potassium and folate (16).

Celery is also low in sodium and has a low glycemic index (17). This means it won’t spike your blood sugar levels.

What is more, a cup of celery will also get you 8% of the daily value (DV) of calcium, 7% of the DV of magnesium, 14% of the DV of potassium, 16% of the DV of vitamin C and 74% of the DV of vitamin K (18). So, it’s quite a powerhouse vegetable.

Summary:Celery contains tons of vitamins and minerals and won’t make blood sugar levels spike.

9. Prevent Heartburn and Acid Reflux

Celery is an alkaline food based on to its pH level. In theory, its low acidity will help you prevent heartburn or acid reflux.

It’s true; more studies need to be done to confirm the exact effect of celery juice on acid reflux. However, people who used to drink celery juice regularly have reported positive results in this respect.

Summary:Because celery is not a super acidic food, it can be helpful for people that have issues like heartburn and acid reflux.

10. Stronger Bones

We don’t really think about the health of our bones, except if we happen to break something.

However, our bones need their fair share of vitamins and nutrients to support our body and mind. Celery juice could help, as it’s rich in calcium, which plays a major role in strengthening and regenerating our bones (19).

What is more, celery is rich in vitamin K, another essential factor that contributes to our bone growth and resorption, preventing serious diseases such as osteoporosis (20).

So, that glass of celery juice can do wonders for your skeletal system. Or, if you’re not a fan of the juice, try some celery-based recipes, like celery salsa. Try that with tortilla chips, and you won’t regret it!

Summary:Celery juice is rich in nutrients that help promote bone strength which can decrease the risk of osteoporosis.

11. Regulates Cholesterol Levels

In a study by the University of Chicago, we found that a chemical present in celery, called phthalide, reduced cholesterol levels by 7%. That is something. Moreover, it also reduced blood pressure levels by 18%.

Other sources speak of a compound called 3-n-butylphthalide, a natural product of celery seeds, which acts as a promising therapeutic agent that significantly reduces bad cholesterol levels and high blood pressure (21).

Celery juice might also reduce the buildup of fatty deposits on the arteries’ walls and increase their elasticity.

Summary:Compounds like phthalide and 3-n-butylphthalide, which are present in celery, has been shown to help reduce cholesterol levels which can help prevent plaque buildup in arteries.


Celery and celery juice might not represent your favorite when it comes to vegetable and juice. However, their benefits are pretty important to your body. So, don’t ignore them. You don’t have to drink celery juice or eat celery every day, but make sure you include celery in your diet plan.