✓ Evidence Based

How to Lower Uric Acid Levels: 11 Natural Ways

Management of uric acid levels is key to pursuing a healthier lifestyle. Uric acid is produced as a byproduct when purines are metabolized. Purines are substances found naturally in the body’s cells and in a variety of foods and beverages.

While uric acid plays a critical role in the body, such as being an antioxidant (1), excessively high levels (medically known as hyperuricemia) can lead to health issues like gout and kidney stones (2). Fortunately, there are natural ways to keep uric acid in check.
From tweaking your diet to staying hydrated, these methods may help you maintain optimal uric acid levels (3).

Natural Ways To Lower Uric Acid Levels

Let’s explore some practical tips to keep your uric acid levels in check and promote overall well-being.

1. Adopt a Low-Purine Diet

Uric acid is a byproduct of purine metabolism, and excessive levels can lead to conditions like gout. Fruits and vegetables are low in purines and high in essential nutrients. Incorporating more of these into your diet helps neutralize uric acid and reduces its production (4).

Limiting or avoiding high-purine foods such as red meat, organ meats, and seafood is key. These foods contribute to elevated uric acid levels (5). Opt for lean proteins like poultry and tofu as alternatives. Whole grains are also low-purine and provide complex carbohydrates, promoting steady energy without increasing uric acid. Choose whole-grain options like brown rice and oats over refined grains.

Dairy products, especially low-fat ones, are beneficial. They contain proteins that help eliminate uric acid (6). Incorporate milk, yogurt, and cheese into your diet. Remember that moderation is vital. Even low-purine foods should be consumed in appropriate portions to maintain a balanced diet.

2. Stay Hydrated

Hydration plays an indirect vital role in naturally reducing uric acid levels in the body. When you stay hydrated, your kidneys function more efficiently (7), helping to flush out excess uric acid through urine. This prevents the accumulation of uric acid crystals which is a key factor in conditions like gout.

Water may help dilute the concentration of uric acid in the bloodstream, making it easier for the kidneys to eliminate it.

Dehydration, on the other hand, can lead to increased uric acid levels (8). When you don’t consume enough water, the kidneys struggle to eliminate waste effectively, leading to higher uric acid concentrations in the body.

In addition to water, incorporating hydrating foods into your diet, such as water-rich fruits and vegetables, contributes to overall hydration. Cucumbers, watermelon, and celery are excellent choices to boost your water intake and promote uric acid elimination.

3. Add Cherries To Your Diet

Cherries are a natural remedy for lowering uric acid levels (9). Packed with antioxidants, cherries help combat inflammation (10), which is a key factor in elevated uric acid. These antioxidants, like anthocyanins, inhibit enzymes responsible for uric acid production.

Studies show that regular cherry consumption reduces gout attacks (11). Cherries contain compounds that enhance the excretion of uric acid through urine. This promotes a healthier balance in the body and lowers the risk of gout flare-ups.

Additionally, cherries curb inflammation by blocking certain pathways. This anti-inflammatory effect is crucial for managing uric acid levels.

Tart Cherry, in particular, helps to neutralize free radicals, reducing oxidative stress (12).

Including tart cherry juice or fresh cherries in your diet can be a tasty and effective strategy.

4. Increase Vitamin C Intake

Vitamin C plays a crucial role in reducing uric acid levels naturally. Uric acid is a byproduct of the breakdown of purines. When uric acid levels spike, it can lead to conditions like gout. Vitamin C works in several ways to counteract this.

Firstly, Vitamin C enhances the excretion of uric acid by the kidneys. It promotes the elimination of excess uric acid through urine, preventing its accumulation in the joints (13, 14).

Secondly, Vitamin C inhibits the enzyme xanthine oxidase, responsible for the production of uric acid. By slowing down this enzyme, Vitamin C effectively reduces the overall production of uric acid in the body (15).

Studies have shown a direct correlation between Vitamin C intake and lowered uric acid levels (16). Citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwis, and bell peppers are excellent sources of Vitamin C. Adding these foods to your diet can help maintain optimal uric acid levels.

It’s essential to note that while Vitamin C is beneficial, excessive intake may not necessarily yield more benefits.

5. Drink Coffee

Coffee has been found to naturally lower uric acid levels in the body (17). This popular beverage is rich in antioxidants, which play a key role in reducing inflammation and neutralizing free radicals. One of the antioxidants found in coffee is chlorogenic acid, known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Research suggests that regular coffee consumption is associated with a decreased risk of gout, a type of arthritis caused by the buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints (18). Coffee appears to inhibit the production of uric acid and enhance its excretion through urine.

Moreover, caffeine, a natural component of coffee, contributes to the reduction of uric acid levels. Caffeine stimulates the kidneys to excrete more water and salt, leading to increased urine production. This process helps eliminate excess uric acid from the body.

In addition to caffeine and antioxidants, coffee contains other beneficial compounds like cafestol and kahweol. These substances have been linked to lower uric acid levels and a decreased risk of gout. They work by influencing enzymes involved in the regulation of uric acid production.

6. Choose Low-Fat Dairy Products

Low-fat dairy products can naturally lower uric acid levels. These dairy options, such as skim milk and low-fat yogurt, are rich in protein but low in purines (6).

Calcium, which is found in abundance in low-fat dairy, plays a crucial role in reducing uric acid levels. It helps your kidneys excrete more uric acid, preventing its accumulation in the joints (19). Strong kidneys efficiently filter out excess uric acid, promoting a healthier balance in your body.

Vitamin D, another essential component in low-fat dairy, aids in the regulation of the inflammatory response linked to uric acid (20). By combating inflammation, vitamin D helps to manage uric acid levels naturally. This makes low-fat dairy an excellent choice for those looking to support overall joint health.

Probiotics present in some low-fat dairy products also contribute to uric acid reduction. These beneficial bacteria enhance gut health, promoting the excretion of uric acid through the digestive system (21). A well-functioning digestive system ensures that uric acid is efficiently removed from the body, minimizing the risk of gout and other related issues.

7. Avoid High-Glycemic Foods & Excess Sugar

Managing your diet to control blood sugar levels is crucial, especially for individuals with high uric acid levels (22). Studies have found a strong correlation between high uric acid levels and type-2 diabetes (23).

Consuming high-glycemic foods such as white bread and white rice, along with excessive sugar intake, can lead to sudden spikes in blood sugar (24). These spikes may lead to weight gain, which is a risk factor for higher uric acid levels and gout.

To help maintain optimum blood sugar levels, try to incorporate low-glycemic foods into your diet, such as leafy greens, and opt for natural sweeteners like honey or agave (2526).

Additionally, try to include more fiber in your diet. A high-fiber diet can help lower uric acid levels and reduce symptoms associated with hyperuricemia (27, 28).

8. Avoid or Limit Alcohol

Alcohol can significantly impact uric acid levels, and it’s advisable to limit or avoid it (29, 30).

Research suggests that while beer and liquor can raise uric acid levels, moderate wine consumption does not have the same effect (31).

Alcohol can also adversely affect kidney and renal function, especially when uric acid levels are high (32).

Moreover, avoiding alcohol can lead to improved hydration, which helps in flushing out excess uric acid through urine.

9. Maintain a Healthy Weight

Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is particularly important for individuals with hyperuricemia (33).

Excess weight can exacerbate hyperuricemia, as it can impact blood sugar balance and increase strain on joints (34).

A diet rich in low-glycemic foods and low in processed sugars, coupled with fiber intake, is essential for maintaining a healthy weight.

10. Add Olive Oil To Your Diet

Studies show that olive oil contains compounds that inhibit an enzyme linked to uric acid production (35). By doing so, it helps maintain healthy levels. Olive oil’s polyphenols also contribute to this balancing act (36, 37)

Olive oil is also an ally in managing weight – a crucial factor in controlling uric acid. It promotes a feeling of fullness and supports weight loss efforts (38, 39), indirectly curbing uric acid production.

Olive oil’s anti-inflammatory properties play a dual role. They not only soothe inflammation but also aid in preventing its recurrence (40, 40). This dual action is vital in keeping uric acid in check.

Incorporating olive oil into your diet is simple. Replace saturated fats with olive oil in cooking, salads, and dressings. Opt for extra virgin olive oil for maximum benefits, as it retains more antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds.

11. Engage in Regular Exercise

Regular exercise plays a crucial role in naturally lowering uric acid levels in the body. When you engage in physical activity, several positive changes occur that contribute to this reduction.

Firstly, exercise helps to maintain a healthy weight (41). Being overweight is linked to higher uric acid levels, and shedding excess pounds through regular physical activity can bring these levels down (34, 34).

Moreover, regular exercise improves insulin sensitivity. This is significant because insulin resistance is associated with higher uric acid levels. By enhancing insulin function, exercise helps regulate uric acid production (42, 43, 44).

Incorporating both aerobic and resistance exercises into your routine is beneficial. Aerobic exercise, such as walking or jogging, improves overall cardiovascular health and contributes to weight management (45). Resistance exercises, like weight lifting, enhance muscle mass, which can boost metabolism and aid in weight control (46).

It’s important to note that while exercise is beneficial, moderation is key. Intense exercise can temporarily elevate uric acid levels due to the breakdown of purines in muscles (47). Therefore, striking a balance with a consistent, moderate exercise routine is advisable.


Managing uric acid levels is crucial for overall health. Adopting a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and incorporating lifestyle changes such as regular exercise can make a significant impact.

These practical approaches empower you to take control of your well-being and reduce the risk of conditions associated with elevated uric acid. By making informed choices, you can foster a healthier lifestyle and promote long-term wellness.