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How to prevent kidney failure? 9 Tips

Your kidneys can continue to function properly even after losing up to 90 percent of their function. But losing more than that is considered kidney failure and you’ll start noticing its symptoms.

It’s advisable to follow the best practices to keep your Kidneys healthy.

How to prevent kidney failure?

Let’s look at 9 ways to prevent kidney failure.

1. Proper hydration

As you might have guessed, the first step to prevent kidney disease is to hydrate properly.

So, drink between four and six glasses of water a day to help your kidneys function correctly. . Overdoing it won’t help, as studies have confirmed. Over-hydration has no real benefit on your kidneys.

2. Be careful with medication

Nonsteroidal and anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and naproxen can damage your kidneys if you’re overdoing them.

Other types of medication such as proton pump inhibitors (PPI) taken for long periods of time, can make you more prone to kidney disease.

So take the medication in moderation and only when you absolutely need to.

3. Stay active and fit

Regular exercise is key to a healthy life. It is good for your waistline, your heart, your brain, your lungs, and your kidneys as well.

Regular exercise helps you keep optimal blood pressure for healthy kidneys. Run, cycle, swim, or go for a walk every day, and you will reap the benefits in the long term.

There’s no excuse for not staying active. You’ve got time to exercise. There are countless activities that you can easily add to your busy daily schedule. Do it for your kidneys, for your happiness, for yourself!

4. Eat healthy foods

Studies have pointed out that kidney problems can be correlated with other medical conditions, and triggered by high blood pressure, diabetes, or cardiovascular diseases.

All these afflictions usually appear in time, caused by a poor diet, and lack of exercise. So, if you want to prevent kidney disease, make sure you follow a healthy nutrition plan. It’s not boring, it can be delicious and it’s definitely good for your body.

After all, food is the best medicine of all.

5. Take Antibiotics only when you need to

Antibiotics are another class of medications that can have serious effects on your kidneys. They are strong drugs, able to kick bacteria right out of your body, however, not without leaving some traces behind.

Antibiotics have lots of toxins and your kidneys will go in overdrive mode to try and cleanse these toxic effects. If your kidneys are perfectly healthy, antibiotics won’t cause much of a problem.

However, if you have problems with kidneys, make sure you discuss with a doctor before you take penicillin, sulfonamides, or other such antibiotics.

6. Keep your blood sugar in check

People with high blood sugar levels or diabetes can also develop kidney problems.

This is because the sugar in the blood can damage the nephrons and blood vessels in the kidneys, so they won’t work as they should.

People suffering from diabetes have to be extra cautious when it comes to their kidney health. However, if you can spot the damage early on by having regular checks at the doctor, you can prevent additional damage.

7. Avoid using too many supplements

As you have seen, medication is not good for your kidneys. Neither are vitamins and other herbal extracts, protein bars, shakes, and so on. Your kidneys might have to put in some extra effort to filter out the waste from these compounds.

So, don’t overdo it when it comes to these supplements, or talk to your doctor first. He might be able to read the ingredients in all these supplements and let you know if there are any risks for your kidneys.

However, as a general rule, avoid ingesting too many supplements.

8. Avoid Smoking and Drinking Too Much

It’s no secret that smoking and heavy drinking can have serious effects on your body in the long term.

So, try to quit smoking and limit the amount of alcohol you drink in general.

Heavy drinking and smoking will raise your blood pressure levels and thus damage your kidneys in the long term.

High blood pressure will constrict the narrow blood vessels in your kidneys, which, in time, will weaken them.

9. Test your kidney function regularly if you’re at risk

If you are over 60 years old, born with low birth weight, or have a family history of cardiovascular disease, you should test your kidney function regularly. It’s the best way to prevent any further complications.

Regular screening is also recommended for people with high blood pressure or a family history of such issues. People dealing with obesity should also get a regular kidney screening.

Better to prevent than to treat!

So, take care of your body, have an active lifestyle, and keep your kidneys in good condition. They’re crucial for your overall health.