✓ Evidence Based

How to Remove Plaque & Tartar Buildup from Your Teeth – 9 Ways

Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that loves to camp out on your teeth. Picture your teeth as a cozy neighborhood for bacteria. They love to settle down, forming a sticky film called plaque.

Yet, plaque can be stubborn, transforming into a harder substance known as tartar. Think of tartar as the impenetrable fortress that only a dental professional can storm. The good news is that you can bolster your defenses with some home-based strategies.

Ways to Remove Plaque & Tartar Buildup

Maintaining that pristine smile can be a challenge when plaque and tartar buildup threaten to compromise the well-being of your teeth and gums.

In this article, we’ll explore various methods that make plaque and tartar tremble. So, stay tuned as we embark on this informative adventure, unveiling the secrets to a plaque and tartar-free smile that not only looks great but keeps your oral health in tip-top shape!

1. Orange peels

Orange peels aren’t just meant for the compost bin. They hold a powerful, natural remedy for oral hygiene that’s both effective and easy to incorporate into your daily routine.

Rubbing the orange peels to combat plaque and tartar is a breeze. All you need to do is carefully scrape off the white pith from the inside of the orange peel, leaving behind the fragrant orange zest. Then, rub this zest gently against your teeth and gums for a few minutes.

Not only does this method help in plaque removal, but it also leaves your mouth feeling refreshed with a hint of citrusy aroma. It’s a win-win! But remember, orange peels are not a substitute for your regular dental care routine. Continue to brush and floss regularly, and don’t skip those important dental check-ups. Orange peels are just an additional tool in your arsenal to maintain a healthy smile.

2. Tomatoes

Tomatoes also have a natural acidity that can help break down plaque and tartar. The acidity in tomatoes can weaken plaque, making it easier to brush away.

Firstly, tomatoes are packed with vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C (1) and potassium (2). These nutrients play a crucial role in strengthening your teeth and gums. Vitamin C, in particular, helps boost collagen production, which is essential for maintaining the integrity of your gums and preventing them from receding.

Furthermore, tomatoes are a rich source of antioxidants, such as lycopene (3). Antioxidants help combat the harmful effects of free radicals in your mouth, reducing inflammation and protecting your gums from damage. Inflammation is a leading cause of gum disease, so keeping it in check is vital for oral health.

Incorporating tomatoes into your diet is easy. You can enjoy them in salads, sandwiches, or as a delicious tomato sauce for your favorite dishes. Just be mindful of added sugars and acidic ingredients in tomato-based products like ketchup, as these can counteract some of the oral health benefits.

3. Baking soda and salt

When you combine these two household heroes, you create a paste that can work wonders for your smile. This paste helps to break down and dissolve the stubborn plaque that clings to your teeth, making it easier to remove during your regular brushing routine.

Moreover, the alkaline nature of baking soda helps to balance the acidic environment in your mouth, reducing the growth of harmful bacteria. Salt, on the other hand, not only fights off those bacteria but also helps soothe your gums and reduce inflammation.

Using baking soda and salt as part of your oral care routine is not only effective but also cost-effective. You don’t need to invest in expensive dental products or treatments to keep your teeth clean and healthy.

However, it’s important to remember that moderation is key. Using this DIY paste four to 5 times a month is sufficient. Overuse can potentially damage your tooth enamel (4), so be gentle with your application.

4. Lemon juice

The citric acid in lemon juice is a superhero when it comes to battling plaque. It has antimicrobial properties that can kill bacteria lurking in your mouth. Plus, it stimulates saliva production, which acts as a natural cleanser, washing away debris and bacteria.

But here’s the catch: lemon juice is acidic, and excessive acidity can erode tooth enamel. To strike a balance, mix lemon juice with water. This dilution not only makes it safer for your enamel but also ensures you can use it regularly without any adverse effects.

To put lemon juice to work against plaque and tartar, simply swish a mixture of lemon juice and water in your mouth for a minute or two. Then, rinse with plain water to remove any remaining acidity. Incorporate this routine into your oral hygiene regimen, and you’ll be on your way to a cleaner, healthier smile

5. Coconut oil

Coconut oil, often hailed as a versatile superfood, is a potent ally in the battle against plaque and tartar. First and foremost, coconut oil contains lauric acid (5), a powerful antimicrobial agent. When you swish coconut oil in your mouth, a process known as oil pulling, the lauric acid gets to work, targeting harmful bacteria. This not only helps prevent plaque formation but also tackles existing plaque, gradually breaking it down.

But the benefits of coconut oil don’t stop there. It also possesses anti-inflammatory properties, which can help soothe irritated gums. Gingivitis (6), a common gum disease, often accompanies plaque and tartar buildup, making coconut oil an excellent choice for overall oral health.

Using coconut oil to combat plaque and tartar is as easy as it is effective. Just take a spoonful of organic, cold-pressed coconut oil and swish it around in your mouth for 10-15 minutes daily. You can do this while showering, watching TV, or getting ready for the day.

Consistency is key here. With regular use, you’ll notice not only cleaner teeth but also fresher breath and healthier gums. Plus, coconut oil is a natural alternative to chemical-laden mouthwashes, making it an eco-friendly choice.

Remember, though, coconut oil is not a substitute for regular dental check-ups and brushing. It’s a complementary practice to enhance your oral hygiene routine. So, keep brushing and flossing as recommended by your dentist!

6. Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds have been used for centuries in traditional medicine, and their oral health benefits are no secret. They contain natural compounds that work wonders for your teeth.

First, get yourself some raw sesame seeds. You can find them at your local grocery store or health food shop. Make sure they’re unprocessed and natural. Now, here’s the fun part. Chew on a handful of sesame seeds for a few minutes, but don’t swallow them! Let them work their magic on your teeth.

As you chew, the seeds will act as tiny scrub brushes, scraping away plaque and tartar from the surface of your teeth. It’s like a natural toothbrush right in your mouth. After a few minutes of chewing, spit out the sesame seeds.

You’ll notice that they’ve turned a bit creamy. That’s a sign that they’ve done their job! Next, take a dry toothbrush and gently brush your teeth as you normally would. This will help remove any remaining sesame seed residue and leave your teeth feeling clean and fresh.

7. Cloves with olive oil

Cloves, with their strong aromatic flavor, are more than just a spice for your favorite dishes. They possess potent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties (7) that can help fight the bacteria responsible for plaque formation. Plus, they can freshen your breath with their natural fragrance.

Olive oil, a staple in Mediterranean diets, offers a soothing solution. It acts as a carrier for the clove’s benefits and helps to break down plaque and tartar. Olive oil also has antibacterial properties, adding an extra layer of protection to your oral health.

All you have to do is crush a few cloves and mix them with olive oil to create a paste. Then apply the paste to your teeth and gums using a soft toothbrush or your finger. The combination of cloves and olive oil works to break down the stubborn plaque and tartar buildup, making it easier to remove during your regular brushing and flossing routine.

8. Aloe vera gel with essential lemon oil

Aloe vera, renowned for its healing abilities, works wonders for your gums. It possesses anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce gum inflammation and discomfort. When combined with lemon oil, this mixture becomes a potent anti-bacterial agent, fighting off harmful bacteria that cause plaque and tartar formation.

Using this combination is fairly simple. Simply mix a small amount of aloe vera gel with a few drops of essential lemon oil. Gently massage the mixture onto your gums and teeth for a few minutes. The aloe vera soothes your gums while the lemon oil gets to work, breaking down plaque and tartar.

Aloe vera contains vitamins and minerals that promote gum health, while whole lemon oil’s natural acidity helps dissolve tartar. Together, they form a powerful tag team against oral hygiene issues.

Not only do they tackle existing plaque and tartar, but they also help prevent their return. Regular use of aloe vera gel with lemon oil can keep your mouth feeling fresh and clean, reducing the risk of gum disease and cavities.

9. Sanguinaria extract

Sanguinaria extract (8), derived from the bloodroot plant, has been used for centuries by indigenous peoples for its medicinal properties. Its effectiveness in removing plaque and tartar buildup has gained recognition in recent years.

Sanguinaria extract contains compounds that break down the bacterial biofilm responsible for plaque and tartar formation. This means it not only removes existing buildup but also prevents it from returning.

You can find Sanguinaria in various oral care products like toothpaste, mouthwash, and dental gels. Just incorporate it into your daily routine like any other dental product, and let it work its magic.

One of the remarkable advantages of Sanguinaria extract is its gentle approach. Unlike harsh chemical alternatives, it doesn’t harm your teeth or gums. Instead, it leaves your mouth feeling refreshed and your teeth cleaner than ever.

Regular use of Sanguinaria extract can also help prevent gum disease. By eliminating the root cause of many dental problems, it promotes healthier gums and a brighter smile.


In conclusion, tackling plaque and tartar buildup is easier than you might think! By maintaining a consistent oral hygiene routine, you can keep your smile bright and your teeth healthy. Start with regular brushing, at least twice a day, and don’t forget to reach all those nooks and crannies.

Additionally, flossing (9) daily is crucial for removing stubborn plaque between your teeth and along the gumline. Make it a habit!

Mouthwash is your friend too, as it helps kill bacteria and freshens your breath. Opt for an antimicrobial rinse for maximum benefit.

Professional dental cleanings (10) should also be part of your plan, with visits at least twice a year. Your dentist can catch and remove tartar that’s hard to tackle at home.

Finally, maintain a balanced diet, limiting sugary and acidic foods and drinks. These steps, combined with your regular dental check-ups, will keep your smile plaque and tartar-free, ensuring a healthy and confident you!