✓ Evidence Based

9 Health Benefits of Pineapples

Pineapples are one of the most popular fruits in the world, and it’s not hard to see why. With its sweet, juicy taste and low-calorie count, pineapple is a healthy snack that’s perfect for any time of day!

But what happens when you eat pineapple regularly? It turns out there’s a lot more to this tropical fruit than meets the eye. Pineapples contain many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help fight against diseases and boost your health.

Pineapple benefits

Pineapple contains several vitamins and minerals. These include vitamin C, copper, manganese, and some B vitamins (1). It also has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce the pain and swelling of arthritis (2). Here is all you need to know about the amazing health benefits that come with eating pineapple:

1. Boosts the immune system

Pineapple contains vitamin C, which supports immunity. This is because it helps fight infections by boosting white blood cell production in your body. Vitamin C also reduces stress levels by reducing cortisol levels in the body and promoting positive moods (3).

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that helps the body develop and maintain healthy tissues (4). It aids in the absorption of iron, promotes the healing of wounds, and supports the function of the adrenal glands.

When you eat pineapples, Vitamin C increases the production of antibodies that help fight viral infection and helps form interferon, which stops viruses from multiplying. So this means that it even helps protect against infections and colds.

Some studies have shown that vitamin C may help reduce the duration of colds when taken at the first sign of symptoms. Other research suggests that eating pineapples during colds may help prevent complications such as ear infections and sinusitis.

Summary:Pineapple is high in vitamin C, which has a lot of health benefits like boosting immunity, fighting colds, and more.

2. Helps reduce inflammation

The medicinal abilities of pineapples have been known for centuries. Ancient healers used pineapple leaves as bandages because of their anti-inflammatory properties.

Pineapples contain the enzyme bromelain which helps reduce inflammation in the body. Bromelain is an enzyme that breaks down proteins into smaller compounds so that they are easier to digest (5). This enzyme has been used traditionally as an anti-inflammatory agent to relieve swelling after surgery or injury. However, there is no scientific evidence that it works specifically for this purpose.

Apart from healing, bromelain’s benefits are numerous. This is because it’s an amazing supplement for many health problems. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it’s great for treating arthritis and other inflammatory conditions (6).

The main benefit of bromelain is that it helps people get rid of excess water from their bodies without having to lose muscle mass as well. One study showed that eating pineapple with other food reduced inflammation more than taking the same amount of bromelain as a supplement (7). This could be because bromelain works better when it’s broken down into smaller doses and spread throughout the day.

Summary:Bromelain is present in pineapple and has a lot of health benefits. One of the biggest effects it has is helping with inflammation.

3. Maintains strong bones

Pineapple contains manganese, which may help promote bone health by preventing bone loss. Manganese is necessary for the proper functioning of many enzymes in our body (8). It helps to maintain bone health, support neurological function, and aid in the formation of connective tissue.

This nutrient also plays a role in the formation of bone matrix proteins, such as collagen and proteoglycans, which are important for bone structure and strength (9).

Manganese deficiency can even lead to osteoporosis in older adults because it affects how well your body uses vitamin K2 (10). Vitamin K2 helps keep calcium in your bones rather than allowing it to leach out into soft tissues where it can cause calcification of arteries and other problems (11).

Summary:Pineapple contains manganese, which contributes to bone health and prevents osteoporosis in older adults.

4. Contains disease-fighting antioxidants

Pineapple has been shown to contain disease-fighting antioxidants that fight free radicals in the body (12). Free radicals are unstable molecules that damage cells and cause cell damage as well as premature aging.

Antioxidants neutralize these damaging radicals by donating an electron to them to make them stable (13). This process stops the chain reaction of oxidation that damages cells and tissues in the body. It also reduces oxidative stress on the body’s systems by preventing free radical damage from occurring in the first place. A lack of antioxidants in our bodies may cause the formation of a handful of diseases such as heart disease and even cancer (14).

Summary: Pineapple is high in antioxidants, which can help prevent diseases like heart disease and cancer.

5. May speed recovery after surgery or strenuous exercise

The most notable benefit of eating pineapples is their ability to speed up recovery after surgery or strenuous exercise. The bromelain found in pineapples reduces swelling and pain associated with injuries (15). This is due to its ability to cause fewer blood vessels to leak fluid into surrounding tissues during injury repair. The same effect can be achieved by applying pineapple juice directly to the site of injury.

Researchers recently found that eating pineapple reduces muscle inflammation and helps muscles recover faster (16). They found that eating pineapple after exercise can help you recover as much as if you had taken ibuprofen.

These researchers fed rats pineapple juice and then had them swim in a pool until they were exhausted. They found that pineapple juice reduces muscle inflammation by about 20 percent compared to rats who didn’t drink it before swimming. The rats also recovered their strength faster after drinking the juice than those who didn’t drink it at all.

They also looked at the effect of pineapple on rats who underwent surgery on their hind legs and found that those who drank the juice recovered better than those who didn’t.

Summary:The nutrients in pineapple have been found to help reduce muscle inflammation, boost recovery time after procedures like surgery, and help with wound healing.

6. Improves the skin

Pineapple is good for your skin, especially if you suffer from acne or wrinkles. You can also make a facial mask with pineapple juice and honey to improve skin texture and tone. Mix two tablespoons of honey with half a cup of freshly extracted pineapple juice. Apply this mixture onto clean skin and leave it on for 15 minutes before rinsing off with warm water.

Pineapple is also great for removing dead skin cells from your face. It can even brighten up dull complexions by gently exfoliating the surface layers of your face without causing irritation or dryness.

The vitamin C present in pineapples aids in collagen production, which keeps your skin firm and youthful looking (17). It is best to eat pineapple raw or lightly cooked because heating it destroys the fruit’s enzymes and also reduces the amount of vitamin C present in it.

Summary:Because pineapple is high in vitamin C, it can help with producing collagen and promoting skin health.

7. Aids with weight loss

One cup of diced pineapple contains just around 80 calories and no fat or cholesterol (18). This makes it a good choice for those looking to lose weight. Pineapple is also high in manganese, which helps your body use fat as fuel instead of storing it in the liver and other tissues.

The bromelain found in pineapples also speeds up the metabolism. Bromelain is made up of an enzyme that breaks down proteins and an enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates. The breakdown of these two enzymes creates a chemical reaction that produces energy, which can be used to fuel other metabolic processes in your body.

A recent study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food found that bromelain may help you lose weight by boosting metabolism. This may result from its ability to enhance glucose uptake into muscle cells, which increases energy production and helps you burn more calories.

Vitamin C also helps with weight loss because it supports healthy insulin levels and lowers cortisol levels (19). Both of these actions keep your body from storing fat and instead help it use stored fat for energy. In addition, vitamin C also helps reduce inflammation in the body which can slow down your metabolism and increase fat storage.

Summary:Studies have shown that eating pineapple can help to lose weight overall, and it is a lower-calorie fruit.

8. May reduce your risk of cancer

Scientists have long known that bromelain has anti-inflammatory properties. And because inflammation is linked to many diseases, including cancer, it makes sense that eating more pineapple could reduce your risk of developing certain cancers (20).

Researchers at the University of Hawaii Cancer Center looked at data from nearly 3,000 people who participated in a study between 1992 and 2011. They found that those who ate more than 2.5 servings of fresh pineapple per week were significantly less likely to develop cancer than those who ate less than one serving every two weeks.

The most protective effect was seen for esophageal and gastric cancers. People who ate lots of pineapples were 45% less likely to develop these types of cancer than those who ate very little or none at all.

Researchers also tested the effects of bromelain on lung cancer cells and found that it inhibited their growth and induced cell death, particularly when used with chemotherapy medication.

Summary:Research suggests that people who eat pineapple are less likely to develop cancer. This may be because of the bromelain in pineapple.

9. May improve mood and concentration.

Pineapple contains an amino acid called L-theanine which helps you relax and focus your attention on the tasks at hand (21). If you’re also having trouble falling asleep at night, eating pineapple can help you sleep better. This is because it contains serotonin and dopamine, which are two neurotransmitters that help regulate moods and emotions.

In one study researchers found that people who ate about 1 cup of fresh pineapple before bedtime fell asleep more quickly than those who ate other fruits such as apples or bananas.

These findings were similar to another study which found that participants who ate 1/2 cup of pineapple before bedtime experienced less difficulty falling asleep than those who didn’t.

Summary:Pineapple may help with sleeping at night, although the reason for this is unclear.


Almost everyone who starts eating pineapple notices several positive improvements in their health and well-being. Ultimately, pineapples are a great fruit because it offers you a lot of health benefits. You get fiber, manganese, vitamin C and so much more. So next time you go grocery shopping, don’t forget to add pineapple to your list!