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How to Whiten Teeth at Home – 11 Natural Ways

Everyone desires a dazzling, white smile, akin to those seen on magazine covers, music videos, or the red carpet. Yet, achieving this can be challenging, as teeth naturally get yellow over time and with age. Factors like certain foods, beverages, and smoking can exacerbate this discoloration. Without diligent oral hygiene, plaque accumulates quickly, leading to further yellowing.

Natural Ways to Whiten Teeth At Home

There are plenty of products that can bleach your teeth in no time. But they cost lots of money. Plus, they’re usually full of chemicals. So, how do you naturally whiten your teeth at home? Here are 11 natural ways:

1. Oil pulling

Oil pulling is a traditional Indian practice of pushing and pulling the oil through your teeth to remove toxins and bacteria from the mouth.

Oral hygiene is crucial to keeping your teeth clean and preventing plaque buildup.

Historically, the Indian folk used sesame and sunflower oil for oil pulling. However, you could also use coconut oil, which is a fantastic anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial agent.

But is this ancient method of oil pulling effective? Studies have proven that it can reduce bacteria and plaque and lower the risk of gingivitis. This means healthier teeth, and healthy means whiter.

Make sure you don’t swallow the oil. Just spit it out. This method is completely natural, and it will not expose your teeth to any types of acids or chemicals.

However, there are no studies to show it will considerably whiten your teeth. But it will keep them healthy, nevertheless.

2. Good dietary choices

Yes, this is not a magic method, but it’s probably the most important one on the list.

Teeth do get yellow with age, but they are also influenced by what we eat and drink every day.

Beverages rich in tannins, such as wine, will stain the teeth. Coffee and sodas are not good either.

Acidic foods and drinks will deteriorate the enamel and cause the teeth to turn yellow.

Don’t brush your teeth right after you’ve eaten. The acids in the food weaken the enamel, and brushing can cause further damage. Dentists recommend you wait about 30 minutes after eating.

Tobacco products are probably the biggest enemy of white teeth. Nicotine stains the teeth and can even trigger gum disease and tooth decay. So, it might be a good idea to quit smoking for good.

3. Activated charcoal

Activated charcoal can work wonders in removing all the toxins and stains caused by wine, coffee and acidic foods.

You can brush your teeth with activated charcoal and see considerable improvements in shade. In fact, some types of toothpaste contain charcoal as an ingredient.
So, how do you use activated charcoal to whiten your teeth at home?

Take a few charcoal tablets and squash them into powder. Take your wet toothbrush and dip it into the powder. Brush your teeth as you normally do. Rinse it away after 1-2 minutes.

Charcoal has a natural, mild abrasive texture that removes and absorbs any surface stains on your teeth.

However, make sure you don’t overdo it. The abrasive texture of activated charcoal could harm the enamel of your teeth if you brush too hard and too often.

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4. Brushing your tongue

Brushing your tongue will give you a fresher breath, help remove bacteria and prevent staining.

Bacteria and toxins can accumulate on our tongue, leading to teeth discoloration or other gum-related troubles.

So, whenever you brush your teeth, make sure you do a few long strokes from the back of your tongue to the front. Rinse your toothbrush and get at it again. Repeat the process a few times.

It won’t whiten your teeth right away, but it will help prevent your teeth from turning yellow from the accumulation of toxins and bacteria.

5. Baking soda

Baking soda is a natural whitener and quite popular in the commercial toothpaste industry.
Many toothpaste products contain baking soda as the main ingredient. Thanks to its alkaline properties, baking soda can also act as an antibacterial agent for your teeth and mouth.

Baking soda won’t work wonders overnight, but in time, you will surely notice a difference in shade.

In fact, a study on toothpaste found that the products containing baking soda had a significantly more potent whitening effect. Moreover, several other studies found that baking soda removes plaque and helps keep your gums healthy, as well.

So, how do you brush your teeth with baking soda? Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 2 teaspoons of water and dip your wet toothbrush into it. Brush your teeth as you normally do. Do this a few times per week, but don’t overdo it.

6. Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a moderate bleach known as a teeth whitener. Peroxide can penetrate the tooth layers and remove the compounds that generate the discoloration.

You can buy the hydrogen peroxide from stores as whitening kits and whiten your teeth at home.

You could mix hydrogen peroxide with baking soda and brush your teeth for 1-2 minutes per day for a week. Take a long break after that.

Use hydrogen peroxide occasionally, as it can increase tooth sensitivity in time. Obviously, if you’re already struggling with sensitive teeth, don’t use it at all.

7. Powdered milk and toothpaste

Powdered milk usually is rich in calcium. The more calcium we give our body, the happier and healthier our teeth. So, drink more milk and eat more dairy products to keep your teeth strong.

The tooth enamel itself consists of calcium. So, it makes sense to blend your favorite toothpaste with a small amount of milk powder and brush your teeth with it twice a week. Your teeth will get white and shining, and it’s the natural type of white.

8. Rinse your mouth with apple cider vinegar

Take two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar. Swish it around your mouth a few times and then spit it out. Rinse your mouth with clean water thoroughly.

Apple cider vinegar helps kill the bacteria in your mouth and reduces inflammation or pain. It is not a direct teeth whitening method, but it helps protect your teeth’s enamel in the long term.

Let’s not forget that the best way to have whiter teeth is to have healthy teeth and gums. So, don’t underestimate this fact!

9. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables

Crunchy fruits and vegetables are not only rich in vitamins, but they can also rub plaque away from your teeth as you chew on them.

Strawberries and pineapple are fruits that could whiten teeth.

A mixture of strawberries and baking soda is popular among celebrities as a natural way of whitening teeth. This combination is believed to remove the discoloration and surface stains.
You can simply smash a few fresh strawberries and add some baking soda to them. Brush this mixture onto your teeth. However, don’t overdo it.

Pineapple is also a popular fruit for teeth whitening. The bromelain in pineapple has been proven effective at removing tooth stains.

However, more research is necessary to determine the actual effectiveness of these fruits for teeth whitening.

10. Baking soda and lemon juice

Baking soda is excellent at removing surface stains from your teeth. Lemon juice contains citric acid, which can act as a natural bleaching agent.

Moreover, lemons have antibacterial properties that can neutralize bacteria living in your mouth.

So, how do you brush your teeth with baking soda and lemon juice? Mix half a teaspoon of baking soda with half a teaspoon of lemon juice until you get a paste. Then, brush your teeth with it as you would normally do with toothpaste.

However, don’t use this method more than once a week. As we’ve mentioned earlier, lemon is an acidic fruit that can erode your teeth’ enamel in time. Once a week should be enough to get the desired white effect and also keep your teeth and gum healthy and shining.

11. Brush and floss your teeth regularly

Just do not underestimate the importance of brushing and flossing your teeth. Mouthwash is also essential.

Teeth discoloration and yellowing will naturally come with age, and if you don’t take care of your teeth, they will come sooner than expected.
Plaque buildup is probably one of the biggest issues here. Regular brushing and flossing can prevent plaque from accumulating on your teeth, and mouthwash can help reduce the bacteria in the mouth.

Add some regular dental cleanings to the mix, and your teeth will be healthy and shining. Without these, no whitening magic method will work, believe us!

First, you have to ensure your teeth are clean and healthy, and then you can worry about their shade of white.

So, floss, brush, get regular dental cleanings and whiten your teeth naturally! This is the road to healthy, good gums and teeth!


Maintaining a bright, white smile naturally involves a combination of good oral hygiene and lifestyle choices. Regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups are fundamental for keeping your teeth healthy and preventing discoloration. Ultimately, achieving a whiter smile is about balancing effective natural remedies with a commitment to oral health and hygiene.